For more than 100 years, this grand cru of olive oil is the result of a subtle blend of the salem, exceptional varieties harvested mures. Originating from the best European terroirs, this vintage, which has made the fame of the house, has a unique fruity taste and release aromas of an incomparable sweetness. Ideal for your raw vegetables, the finesse of this oil will also enchant your cooked dishes. (Acidity rate less than 0,3°)
Color : golden
Odor : almond fragrance
Taste : We feel rather fruity sensations : light notes of mango but also artichokes and hazelnut. While the fresh almond is exalted in cooking.
Utilisation : crudeness and cooking
Quality : extra virgin olive oil
(olive oil which acidity rate is less than 0,8°)
Process : Cold extraction
(at no time, in its manufacture, the product has exceed 27°)
Best before: 18 months
Presentation : can of olive oil in blue and yellow iron of rectangular form. Metal has 2 advantages ; it preserves olive oil from light and allows safe transport. Moreover, it gives no "metallic" taste to olive oil.
Conservation : Store away from light and heat. In the basement or in the kitchen for smaller containers for every day use. Olive oil, like wine, does not appreciate changes in temperarure. For example, choose the bottom cupboards in your kitchen or, remeber to keep your bottle of olive oil away from the window.
All our oils are tested.